R&B asks City of Monash to rethink plans.

Reach & Belong is campaigning to Save Oakleigh Golf Club, calling on The City of Monash council to leave the Club and grounds alone and abandon its plans to convert it into a park.

The golf course is unlike any other in the area, with accessible grounds, 9 holes, and fees which are cheaper than many of those in surrounding LGAs.

“The Oakleigh Golf Club is of immense value to members of the broader community: from veterans, to women’s groups, all abilities groups and children learning to play,” said Managing Director of Reach & Belong, Fiona Memed.

“In particular, for the NDIS community, it provides the venue for various weekly golf programs for participants. It also provides employment for four coaches with disabilities who are supported to help coach the weekly golf programs.”

“These four Golf Australia community accredited coaches are employed by Reach & Belong, a qualification they gained through the R&B Golf program. For some, their coaching role has been a lifeline, providing them with meaningful employment after years of employment knockbacks,” Fiona said. “This is one of the only peer-led programs for participants with disabilities in Australia.”

For the past three years, Reach & Belong NDIS participant players have met weekly for coaching, playing a round of golf and embracing community inclusion – for many it is the highlight of their week. “The Council’s proposal – if successful – would deprive participants with disabilities from both employment opportunities and from leading a healthy active lifestyle.”

Ms Memed noted that the City of Monash already had 165 parks and reserves. “Does the city need another park at the expense of one of only two public golf clubs? We don’t think so. If Oakleigh closes, our program closes and our coaches lose their jobs. We also have concerns about the amount of ratepayers’ money being earmarked on changing the golf course into a park.” The proposal is to spend $11 million to make the golf course into a park.

Reach & Belong is encouraging concerned community members to sign their petition to Save Oakleigh Golf Club and to make a submission via shape.monash.vic.gov.au/Oakleigh-gc before November 30.

Media Inquiries:
Antonietta Di Comso Mobile: 0458355088