R&B works with media to save Oakleigh Golf.

Reach & Belong is working closely with Melbourne media outlets to draw attention to City of Monash plans to redevelop the Oakleigh Golf Course into a park after the current 5 year plan concludes.

In late September, the City of Monash announced a public consultation period through to end of November 2023 where they would call for feedback on two possible futures for the grounds: continuation of the golf club or re-developing it as a park,

Since learning of the Council’s plans to canvas public opinion, the R&B team has worked with Golf Australia to advocate for the continuation of the Golf Club, highlighting the importance of the Golf Club to the NDIS community and to local employment.

Oakleigh Golf Course is a pivotal resource in Reach & Belong’s beloved NDIS Golf Program, providing  participants with a safe, inclusive environment to socialise and exercise, with 5 golfing sessions run weekly,” said Managing Director of Reach & Belong, Fiona Memed.

Additionally, through our golf-program, four Reach & Belong participants with disabilities have gained Golf Australia creditation to be golf coaches in a peer-led environment, providing valuable employment to four people who have been challenged in finding employment,” she said.

As part of their advocacy to Save Oakleigh Golf, Reach & Belong staff were interviewed by Channel 9 News Melbourne with the segment airing on the 6pm news on Tuesday 10 October. On Wednesday 11 October, Ms Memed spoke with Sammy J on ABC’s 774 Breakfast program about the closure which would mean the loss of the golf program and loss of jobs for those with disabilities. On Friday 13 October, R&B employee, Antonietta Di Cosmo, spoke with Tony Moclair on 3AW about the proposal to shut Oakleigh Golf Course.

To watch the Nine News television segment click on the image below.

Reach & Belong has also been active on their social pages drawing attention to the council’s plans and urging supporters to sign a petition to keep Oakleigh as a Golf Club.