Melbourne Registered NDIS Activity Provider, Reach & Belong, has a great new program offering – yoga, movement and breathwork.

The session runs every Tuesday from 10am-12pm at Mt Waverley Bowls Club, and is facilitated by our friendly instructor, Lauren.  Lauren brings a great deal of experience across both modalities, having first discovered yoga on a trip to India at age 19. She has since trained in various types of yoga – Vinyasa, Hatha, Yin, Children’s yoga and trauma-informed yoga.

Lauren has a gentle, inclusive approach to teaching, and will tailor the sessions to individuals and their capabilities.

Lauren credits yoga for helping to relieve stress and anxiety, as well as encouraging a feeling of safety within the body. “There are obviously physical benefits – such as increased flexibility, balance and general mobility – as well as helping with creating a positive mindset.  When you practise yoga together in a group, it gives the participants a sense of connection to something greater than themselves”.

The benefits of yoga are even further enhanced when combined with the power of breathwork.

What is Breathwork?

Breathwork involves various gentle techniques that focus on conscious breathing, aiming to improve physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

Practising breathwork can allow you to enjoy:

  • A sense of calm: by focusing on the breath, we shift our attention away from stressors, allowing our mind and body to relax.
  • Improved Emotional Regulation: Breathwork empowers us to control our emotions by creating pause between a stimulus and our response, allowing us to choose our reactions consciously.
  • Mental Clarity and Focus: By grounding ourselves in the present moment, we can enhance our cognitive function and make more thoughtful decisions.
  • Boosted Energy Levels: Proper breathing techniques enhance oxygen supply to the body, leading to increased energy and revitalization.

Contact us for more information.